Aleksandar Karakolev, MSc
In the summer of 2018, towards the end of his bachelor degree’s studies in Geology at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridksi”, Aleksandar undertook an internship programme at Elacite open-pit mine, where he learned in detail the processes related to describing and analysing drill-core and structural mapping in the operating mine. In the autumn of the same year, he acquired his BSc in Geology and continued towards gaining a Master degree, specializing in Structural Geology. In December he joined Murgana’s team. Topic of his Master’s thesis is “Geological characteristics and late Alpine evolution of a part of the Western Srednogorie” which he successfully completed and defended in March 2021. In addition to his interest in Structural Geology, Aleksandar is interested in exploration and analysis of metallic mineral resources and mineral resources development. He is actively involved in a number of academic projects related to ore presence ore mineralization in Bulgaria and Antarctica.