Mobile: +359 89 885 6878; Mail: georgi.milenkov{at} ;
Georgi Milenkov, Geologist
Georgi is part of MGC since October 2019. He holds an MSc in Geology from the University of Geneva and University of Lausanne with specialisation in Geochemistry, Alpine tectonics and Ore deposits. He is a PhD candidate at the Department of Mineralogy and Mineral Resources at the Geological Institute, Bulg. Acad. Sci. Georgi has an experience in porphyry and HS epithermal deposits and skarn systems. He has an experience with different modern analytical techniques and machines like QEMSCAN, Electron probe Microanalyser (EPMA), LA-ICP-MS, Cathodoluminescence (CL) etc. His main interests are focused on the mineral exploration and deciphering hydrothermal fluid characteristics.
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